Summer Solstice Special $297

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When you register for The Soul Contracts Workshop, you'll get a complimentary copy of The Cosmic Pathways to Healing & Raising Your Vibration—a resource you'll definitely want to have when you dive into your soul contracts!

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Hear What Other's Are Saying..

"I'm amazed by how much I learned in this webinar. It brings so much context to my healing journey - it's really just like WOW" 

Sam Riordan

"It's freeing, and by the time I finished the webinar, I finally felt like my soul emerged—like I could feel my soul. Life-changing.

Alexi Levy

"If you're getting older like I am, this webinar will make you feel like you have a real purpose. I feel more important and purposeful.

James Jacobson

Join Thousands of People Who Are Unearthing Their Soul Contracts For Better health, wealth and harmony in their lives.

Does This Sound Familiar?

You're curious about the deeper meaning behind your life’s challenges and relationships. 

  You feel an inner call to explore and understand the unseen forces guiding your journey. 

  You're fascinated by the idea of contracts but don't know where to start 

If that's you, then join us to unlock your true potential, enhance your personal growth, and align your life with your soul’s highest purpose so that you can transform your life into one you absolutely love.

Unlock The Mystery Behind

Your Soul's Journey 

  Uncover Your Soul Contracts Webinar

$297 Value

The VIBE's Guide to Natal Astrology

$47 Value

The Soul Contracts Workbook

$47 Value

 The VIBE's Energy Protection Tool Kit

$47 Value

Total Value: $438

Yours Today For Only $77!

Remove energy blocks that are preventing you from uncovering your soul's real purpose now.

Embrace the miracle of life your soul came for despite the challenges you've faced thus far.

Turn challenges into opportunities to manifest more abundance, health, wealth, peace, prosperity and joy!

Discover how NOT alone you really are as all soul's have contracts they're fulfilling right along with you.

Bring context to your healing AND manifesting journey by decoding the hidden messages in your contracts.

Quiet the ego so you can find sacred union with your higher self and get the guidance you need to move forward on your soul's evolutionary path embodying the joy you desire and deserve.

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Enhance your journey with the VIBE's Guide to Chakra Healing, now available for just $27 - originally valued at $97! This comprehensive guide is packed with guided meditations, enriching visualizations, expert crystal and oil recommendations, invaluable chakra health tips, and much more to help you along you heal and raise your vibration while working with your soul contracts.

Add to cart$27.00
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  • Soul Contracts Webinar$77

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